In the Garden: Dahlia (Dahlia x hybrida) D is for Dahlia. Canon A-1, Focal MC 2X Teleconverter, Canon FDn 50mm f/1.8, #8 (K2) yellow filter. Kentmere Pan 400 developed in D-76 1+1.
We’ve only recently introduced Dahlias to the garden and any success growing them and overwintering the bulbs is pretty accidental at this point. They are good looking plants and the flowers are a joy so we will keep at it and eventually figure out the keys for them to thrive.
Skyway City: Between 7th & 8th Streets (1)Off the Glass. Nikon N80, Nikon Nikkor 45mm f/2.8 P, #8 (K2) yellow filter. Kentmere Pan 400 developed in D-76 1+1.
The Skyway City project started two years ago as we were coming out of the pandemic. There were few people downtown on a weekday morning and it stayed that way for about a year. I roamed freely with the cameras, trying to compose the city as I see it. Now there are more people every week, pinching me in a little bit, but also inadvertently forming new compositions that reveal another facet of Skyway City.
Potted Plants: Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera russelliana) Summer Residence. Mamiya M645 1000S, Mamiya-Sekor 150mm f/3.5 N. Fomapan 400 developed in Diafine.
This year I have been slow to bring all of the potted plants outside and place them at their summer locations. They are mostly just stashed away in a couple of shady corners, acclimating to the outdoors. This weekend should see some progress distributing them into the garden. In the meantime, here is a photo from 2018.
Travels: Lake Superior (3) Complete Calm. Nikon N80, Tamron SP 70-300mm f/4-5.6, #8 (K2) yellow filter. Kentmere Pan 400 developed in D-76 1+1.
With a cup of coffee in hand I stepped onto the balcony and into complete calm. A small fishing boat worked the lake. I swapped the coffee for a camera.
Skyway City: Over Nicollet Mall (2) Shadow Bounce. Nikon N80, Nikon Nikkor 45mm f/2.8 P, #8 (K2) yellow filter. Fomapan 200 developed in Diafine.
A beautiful morning on Nicollet Mall with sunshine streaming in from the left. It hits the glass building out of the frame across the street and comes back in, low and from the right, still strong, making backward shadows along the way.
In the Garden: Places to Sit (1) Reading Place, Winter Garden. Nikon F80, Sigma 105mm F/2.8 MACRO, #8 (K2) yellow filter. Kentmere Pan 400 ei 800 developed in Diafine.
Spring is here and these plants will be going outside soon. The best place to read will go out into the garden with them.
In the Garden: Orchid Blossoms (3) (phalaenopsis) Life in the Winter Garden. Nikon F80, Sigma 150MM F/2.8 MACRO, X1 green filter. Kentmere Pan 400 ei800 developed in Diafine.
The winter garden, which is mostly in the basement under artificial light, sees the first flowers of the year.
Travels: Lake Superior (2) The Beach at Flood Bay. Nikon F80, Nikon Nikkor 45mm f/2.8 P, #8 (K2) yellow filter. Kentmere Pan 400 developed in D-76 1+1.
In under three hours you can travel from Minneapolis to the north shore of Lake Superior. That is no time at all to arrive at a place so different from where you live. While there, I like to stand on a beach and contemplate infinity.
Skyway City: Over Nicollet Mall (1) Across From Here. Canon A-1, Canon FD 100mm f/2.8 S.S.C., #8 (K2) yellow filter. Ilford HP5+ ei 800 developed in Diafine.
Another reminder to turn around once in a while. I am usually standing over there, where the figure strides, with the camera facing this way. Today I came to this part of the skyway from the other side. There are photographs across from here.
Skyway City: Over 7th Street (5)Over and Back. Nikon F80, Tokina AT-X Pro 17mm f/3.5, #8 (K2) yellow filter. Fomapan 100 developed in Pyrocat HD.
I want to look at some more interior views. There are quite a few skyway bridges over 7th Street. I will get onto another street soon, but on the way there I’m going back over this one once more.
Travels: In the Woods Glensheen Appears. Nikon N80, Voigtlander 28mm f/2.8 Color-Skopar, #8 (K2) yellow filter. Ilford HP5+ ei 1,000 developed in Diafine.
Touring the Congdon Estate on the shore of Lake Superior, Erin and I walked down to the water to look at the boathouse. Afterwards we hiked back up along Tischer Creek. At this point in the hike Glensheen appeared over the opposite creek bank, framed by trees and looking fairytale-esque, a mansion rising from wilderness.
Travels: Lake Superior (1) Before Morning, Two Harbors. Nikon F80, Nikon Nikkor 45mm f/2.8 P, #8 (K2) yellow filter. Kentmere Pan 400 developed in D-76 1+1.
I have many photographs of Lake Superior and really need to look through them to see what is there. Let’s start with this one, made over New Year’s weekend.
Skyway City: Over 8th Street (1) Dayton’s. Mamiya M645 1000S, Mamiya-Sekor 55MM f/2.8, #8 (K2) yellow filter. Fomapan 400 developed in Diafine.
Dayton’s is sort of back. The building is refurbished and being used again, office space mostly. There were grand plans for public spaces before the pandemic but those changed and we will take what we can get and that has been a Christmas market that gets better every year. This year it filled the skyways with shoppers toting paper Dayton’s handle bags. That bit of nostalgia made my Christmas a little bit more merry.